Sunday, February 6, 2011

David B. on cartooning and reality

"Doing realism in comics is in some ways easy, obviously. Beyond that, it’s interesting to mess around in the drawing, to try to find new ways to transcribe reality. Not to transcribe reality as reality, but to also transcribe what’s behind and around it — feelings, impressions, fantasies, dreams about reality, things of that nature. That’s what I tried to do. With Epileptic, I didn’t want to create a reconstruction of my family’s real life, I wanted a reconstruction of the way it imprinted my imagination and the way I used all of that to build up my imagination. That was what interested me: Transcribing, to a large extent, impressions rather than reality — how to represent an epileptic seizure, for example. I could have represented it clinically, detailing all the symptoms of the disease, or do it symbolically — how it affected me."

- David B. (from an interview with Matthias Wivel in The Comics Journal #275)

A transcription of the entire interview can be found here.

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